
What is the area of Machu Picchu?

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What i meen is like square meters




  1. Machu Picchu, Peru- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Machu Picchu (Quechua: Old Peak; sometimes called the "Lost City of the Incas" ... an extensive site on the language spoken by the people who built of Machu Picchu. ...

    Quick Links: History - Location - The Machu Picchu sanctuary - 55k - Cached - More from this site

  2. Ancient fortress city of the Incas in the Andes Mountains, south-central Peru. Perched near Cuzco in a narrow saddle between two sharp peaks, at an elevation of 7,710 ft (2,350 m), it escaped detection by the Spaniards, and its existence was made known only in 1911 by U.S. explorer Hiram Bingham. One of the few pre-Columbian urban centres found nearly intact, it is about 5 sq mi (13 sq km) in area and includes a temple and a citadel.

  3. 325.92 square kilometres

  4. s**y Saria,

    Machu Picchu, old peak in Quechua (the language Incas spoke and still spoken by millions in Peru), is a beautiful fortress/citadel located in the Andes. The fortress/citadel with its huge blocks of stones is located on the top a mountain. Viewed from the higher top of Huayna Picchu, the fortress/citadel looks magnificent, to say the least.

    How the builders moved and placed enormous blocks of stones is a mystery .The builders (whom most believe were the Incas) did not leave any written records because they did not use writing.

    I have been there once and look forward to coming back soon.

  5. Try out these sites

    All about Machu Picchu at

    Hope it helped.

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