
What is the avarage salary of an average U.S. jockey?

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I realize it depends on number of races and winnings however am interested in wether it is as lucrative as other sports or is it average reimbursement. What would the average jockey earn per year? thanks, h




  1. The "average" is in the $30,000-$40,000 range, but the truth is that less than 5% of the jockeys in the country earn a figure in that range.

    Look at it this way, the winning jockey in the Breeder's Cup Classic earns $240,000.  For that ONE race!  And the jockey of the fourth-place finisher earns the same as the 14th place finisher, $250.  (And the winning jockey in a low-level claimer at Penn National earns $360 while an unplaced rider earns $35.)  Beyond that, there are no guaranteed contracts, they have to pay 25% to their agent, they have to buy their own insurance (which is outlandishly expensive because of their line of work), and they get fired on a routine basis.

  2. I don't know what the actual average is. I would guess the average would be somewhere around McDonald's wages. Seriously, for every big time jockey you see on TV, there are literally hundreds that can't rub 2 nickels together. I would venture to guess that the top 10% of the jockeys earn around 75% of all the purse money. It is a most competitive field to get into.

  3. about $40,000

  4. It also depends on the size of the tracks they ride and how much time they dedicate to riding and getting up for morning works.  A rider has to be there in the morning to get the mounts at a smaller tracks.  They also have to be concerned about making weight. Not always a fun life.

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