
What is the avarage/suitable age to start potty training my son??

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i know girls are usually quicker than boys. Any tips would be helpful also. Tanx




  1. I start with the potty at 1 1/ get them used to it. No pull ups. Just go straight to underwear. It means more cleaning up...but the sooner they are out of diapers and such...the better. 2 is when you should crack down on potty training. Going straight to underwear saves you so much money. Trust me on this.

  2. There isn't an ideal age.  My lad will be 3 soon and we are still struggling to get him out of nappies.  He knows what he's going to poo, but he just won't tell us (to be fare he does occasionally)...

  3. My little boy has just turned 6 months old... he's been using his potty at pretty much every nappy change for the past 2 months... i'm trying to get him to relate the 2, he'll soon learn were it feels nicer to go.

    He oftern does something on his potty already :)


  4. Instead of looking at age, I waited until my son started waking with a dry diaper.  There is no sense in potty training until he has bladder control but I felt that it really helped my sons to potty train standing up.  They could see what was happening and connect the sensations.  I found a very sturdy stool with sides for the toilet so they could hold onto the sides without touching the toilet.

    My boys loved being able to pee straight down into the toilet and they really developed quickly this way.  Potty training was a breeze and this stool made all the difference.  Well worth it.  Hope this helps.

  5. I have four boys and one girl and she wasn't quicker than my boys.  She was actually the same.  They all took about two weeks with the exception of one of my boys who took 3-4 weeks.  I don't know why people say girls are faster.  It's not true.

    See my answer in this question:;...

  6. We started as soon as my son could walk which was around a year. His now 2 and fully potty trained. There really is no right or wrong age. I found that i felt my son was just not understanding, till one day it clicked and he started to pee in his potty. Just start when you are ready, and persistence is the key.

  7. My son was just over 2 years old.  We trained him during the summer, out in the garden (to save wet floors!).  We put little jersey shorts on him that were easy to wash, and if he wet them, we left them on him for a bit to show him that it was uncomfortable to have wet clothes on.  He soon got the message and within a few days he was telling us when he needed to go to the bathroom because he didnt like having wet shorts.  Hope that is some use to you.

  8. you must remember not every child is the same,my little one was potty trainned at 1 and a half and was dry day and night by two i only did it so early as she asked to go to the toilet

  9. Around 3 that way they have a year between that a school. Help him by having his father take him to the restroom and showing him what to do.

  10. I would saythe best time is as soon as the kid is able to stand up.

  11. 2 1/2 or 3.  I just went cold turkey on the diapers.  Big boy undies.  I bought super cheap ones and threw them out if they were really gross.  He hated peeing in them because he was wet and soon learned not to.  The pooping took a little while longer.  If we were going out I put him in pull-ups but if we were staying home he was in his big boy undies.  I took him to wal-mart and lat him pick out party supplies.. plates, napkins, cups, balloons and told him that if he could go a week without pooping in his undies and with only 1 accident we would have a potty party and invite Nana and Grandpa and his cousins.  I made a little cake and everyone bought him cool undies.  Good luck, sometimes it is really trying.

  12. My daughter is 13 months and always has alot of 'naked time'- She looks down at herself when she is about to go, so I just pop her on the potty. I dont expect her to be 'potty trained' just yet, but its never too early to get them used to the idea. Infants are in nappies a lot longer than they were 15 years ago when most infants were out of nappies by the age of 2.

  13. Well, most of my siblings started at the age of around 2 i think =]

    ye 2 or 3 i would say, whenever you feel ready and the child feels ready, that the most important thing =]

    good luck =D

    xox ly xox <333

  14. the average is about 2 yrs.  However, some kids don't train until 4.  I would suggest watching for signs, such as bringing you the diaper when he is wet, banging on the bathroom door, acting like he wants to sit on the toilet, going dry through the night, and anything else that tells you that he has awareness of it or ability to hold it.

  15. i trained mine  when they was stable on their feet buy them wsome big boy or gilr knickers or undies make a fus even do a sticker chart for each time they wee in the potty n if not ready wait a month n try  again

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