
What is the average California adventures ticket sell on a week day?

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Cause my family and i are going on friday and we want to know how busy it will be when we go and is it better then disenyland




  1. if you like more intense, rollercoaster-six flags-type rides, ca adventure is better. it has ca screamin, tower of terror, maliboomer, and river rapids. there are also some low key rides like the orange swings, a bugs life, and a jellyfish that carries you slowly into the air, like a smaller version of the maliboomer. i personally like disneyland better because i enjoy the variety of rides. I love space mountain and splash mountain and all the rides there, but it is really a personal preference. it usually doesn't take people the whole day to go through california adventure, but if you are going in the summer, exect it to be REALLY BUSY, no matter what day. Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays are generally the busiest because many peple take three day weekends.  that is just the way it is from May until September. trust me, just be ready to wait in long lines and it WILL take you all day to get through the park.

    it would be a good idea to decide which rides you definitely want to go on BEFORE you get there. it will help you to be more efficient and get the things you want to do out of the way so you can enjoy the rest of the time you have on spontaneity.

    have fun :)

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