
What is the average IQ of Creationists lower than that of chimpanzees?

by Guest31725  |  earlier

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They should be happy to have such smart relatives




  1. Im kinda on Chris's side. Although I would not have put it in the same words.

    So is a person SMART if he/she insists that 1+1=3 in spite of all the evidence/theories, just because God told him so?

  2. No, of course not, some creationists have a high IQ.  The average creationist just wants easily justified answers to their questions & does not want those views questioned by either themselves or others. Understanding evolution requires too much research and objectivity and is likely to cause people to question answers they were given by the clergy... questions have always been discouraged by religious leaders as those questions diminish the authority of said leader.

    Humans have always been curious, a wonderful quality, but unfortunately they are lazy & want easily understood pat answers to their questions. Therefore the rise of the supernatural & a supreme being that does not allow deep thinking & questioning.

  3. Maybe you should improve your own grammar before you call other people dumb. Nicely done.

  4. Although i do not agree with their beliefs i think they are just as intelligent as the rest of us,

  5. "Singinheart3", if you have such a high IQ, then how come you don't know the difference between a "scientific theory" and the laymans use of the word "theory"..?

    Clearly your IQ test didn't filter out ignorance, denial, parroting lies, and the tendancy to embrace ficticious deities as real..

    Better get off your self imposed pedistal before you make even more of a fool of yourself..!!

  6. Not necessarely. I know many clever peoples that are too lazy to find their own answers, so they are looking for the bundle one... It is like our school now, nobody learn how to do multiplications on paper, as they can use calculator in its place... Some answers are convenient for the ones that seek safety and stability...

  7. Sure wouldn't want to bet my soul  on that narrow minded

    mind set!  Ever know one of your brothers to get a prayer

    answered wise guy?

  8. Chris, while I agree with your premise, you haven't demonstrated your intelligence very well by provoking the true believing flamers. You'd better be wearing your asbestos skivvies, today, mate!

  9. Attacking a person's religious beliefs doesn't say much for your IQ.  

    Why so many persist to believe questionable religious theory instead of factual scientific evidence has always puzzled me.  Perhaps they just can't bring themselves to admit that the possibility of evolution exists (even though John Paul II admitted its existence) because it would then mean other questionable events in the Bible may not be correct.  Perhaps they just can't bring themselves to believe man isn't any different than any other species of life on earth, even though we share the same base DNA as plants.

    They also forget that the Bible, which they always revert to for evidence, was written by man.  Not God.

  10. You should really, really check your grammar before insulting the intelligence of other people.

  11. Well, to answer your "question" from my experience, I've been in "gifted" classes all my life due to my hi IQ, and I'm a creationist.  Oh yeah and I didn't grow up with any belief in God fyi.  But because of the evidence, I have believed.  There are many others who have my intelligence or more who also believe in creation or/and intelligent design theories.  

    I use the word "theory" because we are all trying to figure out something we don't know, and keeping in mind that we cannot replicate/prove the creation of the world with the scientific method.  Just one example is below.  

    Intelligent, hi-IQ'd scientists since the 1960's have agreed that Stanley Miller's 1953 experiment was based on a false presumption regarding the elements in the early earth's atmosphere.  The well-published Dr. Jonathan Wells (doctorate in molecular and cell bio) states that the real beginning atmosphere of our world was more like embalming fluid that would have killed proteins just from its fumes... and therefore the early earth's atmosphere could not produce life in and of itself.  

    Even though data since the 1950's have disproved the Miller experiment theory of origin, many intelligent people still refer to his experiment sometimes in order to prove a creationless world.  Hmm, not a very modern hi-IQ scientific approach.


    As to the reason for your question, have you had Creationists be as rude/immature/disrespectful to you, as you are being to us?  I'm so sorry that you (appear to) have hate in your heart for other human beings.  That must be an awful way to live.  

    As you probably know, sometimes the reason people lash out at a group of people is because they have been wounded by someone in that group.  

    In that case, someone has to take the initiative to stop the vicious circle.

    So, if a Creationist has hurt you or been rude to you , as a fellow fallible Creationist, I apologize.  We all mess up but that is no excuse. If someone who believes in God or a Creator has offended you in any way, or been mean or disrespectful to you, will you please forgive me/us?  

    Being mean or prejudiced is not a valid or constructive option to further any argument towards greater learning.  It blocks paths to new ideas.  It inhibits cooperatively working together to find solutions to our world's dilemmas.

    I prefer to love and forgive offense (you are forgiven), and to keep asking quality questions about the things we finite humans don't yet know or understand.


  12. Your comment is so rude to people who believe in God that I would not dignify it with an intelligent answer.  I'm sure you wouldn't comprehend it.

  13. What is the average IQ of an evolutionist? Your IQ does not  have anything to do with what you believe or how smart you are, It may only help you understand or be able to explain your beliefs at a deeper level. Common sense is your biggest Alli went it comes to smarts not your IQ. Be open minded and explore other option about life insted of just what you were taught in school. Look at the big picture with an open mind.

  14. Creationist dotn like science because they cant understand it, it all goes above their heads. But even a chimp is innovative.

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