
What is the average IQ of people who watch fox news?

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What is the average IQ of people who watch fox news?




  1. about 2 and a half.

    ok let's be more harsh. let's say that they're from utah.

  2. I don't think any research or survey had been made yet on this kind of thing. But I can take a guess on what's the average IQ of people who believe in what Fox news (or any other mainstream Western media institution, or Israeli media institutions) claims. But for obvious reasons I won't tell you what my guess is.

  3. 5

  4. I don't know. But it can't be very high. It is watched at the gym I used to work out at and the people there (in general) don't seem very intelligent or smart. It's disappointing. It's very simplistic. There is blatant hypocrisy and no one seems to really see it. People seem to get offended so easily over nothing or so it seems. It's bizarre. I feel like I've stepped into the Twilight Zone. I'm talking generally.

    edit: Here's an example of the mentality that exists. Someone will walk away from a machine, out of sight, and then come back and be all huffy and puffy that someone had the nerve to use it. They didn't leave anything behind. How would someone else know, especially if they didn't see someone else using it? It's not like they just go away for a drink or something. I observe this behavior regularly. For them to get mad or upset? Why? Do they own this equipment? Is this their gym? What is the deal? People will just sit on equipment and do nothing. They just talk to each other while not working out. My husband and I just laugh to ourselves because it is bizarre. This gym shows Fox News and you can't change the channel.

    edit: This is a reason why we don't go to this gym anymore. It was too hard to get a real workout in or any workout. Too much deadweight. Again, it's Fox News or ABC News. Those are the choices.

  5. I know I'm boasting as I have an IQ over 140 and I watch Fox..

    Only because it's the funniest show on cable..O'rielly cracks me up.Hannity is the most rightwing redneck I have ever seen .Poor Alan Colmes trying so hard to be a democrat.

    Their guests like Morris,Ingram[not sure of spelling]and all the other rednecks .

    I love watching them splutter and screech about those LIBERALS and DEMONCRATS [as they call some] and GREENS who are trying to destroy America.

    They know that if Obama wins in November they will be out of a job..

    I think republicans are funny..

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