
What is the average IQ?

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Mine is 122 and I'm a 12 year GIFTED and TALENTED student. That's on an adult test (just to let you know). I was wondering if mine was average or high or low. Also, what is the average IQ?




  1. 122? Did you enter your age properly? If you're gifted and talented, and judging by your spelling and grammar, and that you're only 12, your score should be far higher.

    Edit: Err *blink* I meant that you probably have a far higher IQ than the test suggests. As in, that you're intelligent. *reads original answer again* ... what did I say wrong?

  2. Yours is above average.  By definition on IQ scales, the average is 100, and the average range is 90-110.  (EDIT - actually, it's 80-114.)

    Also, considering that you're 12, if you took a test meant for kids your score would probably be even higher.

    EDIT - corrected my memory regarding the range of IQ scores that's considered average.  (see Wiki link below)

  3. Ok i took 3 tests today: 127, 135, 147. so i guess its 135. I'm 13 and also in Gifted and Talented... and on an adult test. So I think your scores are good....

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