
What is the average age a girl should wear mascara?

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i am 13 and my mom doesnt want me to wear mascara until next year. i wanted to know what the average age a girl should wear mascara so that i can tell. if possible can you include a site that shows the average age, if not its ok. thanks




  1. I don't think there's a site but i started in 8th for only special ocassions and then 9th grade i wore makeup every day

  2. wait until ur about 14 or 15 the reason why ur mom is probably saying that u shuldnt wear it is because later on in life ur eyes will tend to get lines on them nd ull look very bad just take a look at the way some celeberties look without makeup TERIBLE so just wait u probably look beautiful without makeup:)

  3. listen to her! I started wearing mascara when I was 14 and I think that's the perfect age. My friends started wearing it around 8th grade and freshman year of high school :)

  4. therse no such thing as "Average " age its when kids can and cant

    prolly wen ur matured like period and stuff

    around 13-15

  5. High School

  6. you should be old enough now to wear mascara like i started wearing it when i was 13 so you should be old enough

  7. I have really really short eyelashes, so my mom let me wear clear mascara when I was 12. I started using real mascara this year (I'm 14).

  8. You shoud probably wait, till next year. You don't want to look like a w***e at this age. Trust :)

  9. Most girls at my schools started in 7 th grade. 7th gd. for us started jr high so most people thought of it as a way to say I'm grown up and at a new school and new grade , lol. So i would say most of started at 11//12. In the summer of 6th grade I remember a lot of my friends experimenting. I  wore a little mascara [like only one coat and a natural color brown] & blush that summer.Rememberr not  2cake yourmascaraa on. Sorry I couldn't find any sites with average ages. Good Lucck:]

  10. Get your eye lashes tinted black. It costs about 20 dollars and last for about 2 months. It takes about 10 minutes to get it done.

    It's nice because it doesn't make your eyes itch and it looks natural but beautiful. You would be happy and your mom would be happy. It's a win win situation!  Don't ever wear too much make up. It's beautiful to be natural! Good luck!

  11. im 13 and i wear eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. <33

  12. you're lucky. you'll be able to wear mascara as a freshman.

    my mom didn't let me until the end of junior year.

    so you should just wait another year without saying anything before she decides to extend it.


  13. I live in england and in in year 9 (i think thats about 8th grade) anyway i'm 13 and i've been wearing mascara since i was in year six which is about 3 years ago i dont think there should be an age when girls should start wearing mascara but i think whenever you friends are wearing it is a good time. Tell your mum that your friends are wearing it (if they are) and that you think she is being slightly unreasonable. But in the meantime you can try out gel mascara which is a good substitute good luck!!


  14. i stated wearing black mascara and eyeshadow when i was 12. i wore it everyday in 7th grade and now that i am in 8th grade i wear eyeliner too.

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