
What is the average calorie should the people eat in order to be lean (not thin or even fat)?

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What is the average calorie should the people eat in order to be lean (not thin or even fat)?




  1. It depends on a number of factors - your gender, age, current weight, height, and activity level.  Generally it would range from a low of about 1500 to 1800 calories for a relatively sedentary person, to several thousands for athletes.

  2. Calorie intake depends on each person but the average recommended daily intake is 2000 for a woman 2500 for a man. Note that this will probably maintain your weight at what it is now (if you are average in your calorific needs). In order to gain or lose you will need to add or subtract some calories until you are the right shape.

    Bear in mind that people are built differently - certain shapes are just not achievable by certain people because of their physiology

  3. you have to times your weight by ten and then add your weight to that. so if you weigh 130, you do 130 x10=1300+130=1430 calories

  4. This is a rule of thumb and doesn't take special factors into consideration:

    If you're sedentary, multiply your weight by 14

    If you're moderately active, multiply your weight by 17

    If you're very active, multiply our weight by 20

    Good luck!

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