
What is the average cost for eyeglass lenses?

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I haven't worn glasses before. I got my first pair for $30-$40 at walmart, I think. They're good, too. I need new glasses now that I've worn these in and figured out how to care for glasses (etc) and plus I think I need a new Rx. So! About how much is average or reasonable for lenses? I'm on a bit of a budget and would love to get a pair of Versace frames but I'm sticking with two pairs of cheaper frames, one for shades and one for indoors. Where can I get the best frames/lenses for a cheap price?




  1. Try ebay.  

    Do a search using the key words "versace" "eyeglasses".  

    (Don't use glasses as you will end up with thousands of references to wine glasses, beer glasses, drinking glasses etc).  I have about 20 pairs, and about 16 of those have been off ebay.

  2. Well, for me, eyeglasses are normally REEEALLY expensive because my eyes are so bad. I have a high Rx, so I need to get the special thin lenses otherwise I will have giant coke-bottle glasses. So my lenses alone used to be like $500. Then add in the frames for $250ish.... yikes.

    Anyway, if you want designer glasses, you should get them online because it is cheaper. My mom got Gucci glasses for around $200 from, which is really good, because that's for the frames, the lenses, all the coatings (UV, antiscratch, etc) and the hard case. I don't know if they have Versace, but I know they have a whole bumch of designer frames.

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