
What is the average cost of home schooling a high school student per year?

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What is the average cost of home schooling a high school student per year?




  1. anywhere from $0 (public school homeschooling) to $1000 (private homeschooling)... any school that you have to pay for,whether  homeschooling or not is considered private..that is your choice if you want public or private. if you do public, you have to go buy the school districts curriculm etc. good luck

  2. I will guess at this one.  I would think average cost would be around $500  since many homeschool for free and you can easily find a distance learning online course for $1,000.

    We homeschool cheaply by creating our own curriculum.

  3. My son is working at a 7th-9th grade level (or a little higher, depending on the subject), and we spend about $250 for books and another $200-250 for supplies, extra activities, classes, and lessons.  It all depends on what you go for though - it can run anywhere from nearly free to several thousand dollars.

  4. It really depends on what curriculum you use.  If you choose a virtual school program, you can homeschool for free:

    If you choose a to use homeschool through an online or distance academy, it will be pretty expensive as you usually have to pay by the course/semester.

    There are many ways to save money if you purchase materials yourself and use your library.  Here are some tips for affordable homeschooling:

    Good luck!

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