
What is the average cost of weddings today?

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i have a friend talkin about she gonna spend 150ks on a wedding. unless u a celeberity, i didn't know u can make up a wedding that cost that much...somebody help me out on this




  1. Well I'm sure it would be different in every country, but when my sister was planning her wedding she was told the average here in Australia is about 50-60k.

    Between what she & her husband put in, my parents & the grooms parents, their wedding ended up costing 22k, but she found great deals on ebay & online stores. By looking at what she had at the wedding you'd think she spent WAY more than 22k.

    It just depends how smartly or stupidly (or vainly) you want to spend your money.

    You can make a beautiful wedding for well under the average cost & people will think you spent alot.

  2. I just found this online:

    "On average, US couples spend between $14K and $43K for their wedding, while their budget is typically 50% less. This does not include cost for a honeymoon or engagement ring. Understanding average wedding cost now can help you with your wedding budget later."

    Unless your friend is a millionaire (or has millionaire parents who are paying), spending that kind of money on a wedding is just plain dumb.  A wedding is little more than a very extravagant party.  Couples who get into a ton of debt to have that special day are just asking for trouble.

    $150K would be better spent on a house, a college fund, a pension plan, pretty much anything.  Quite honestly, I think it is an offensive show of extravagance and waste.

    To put it another way.  On this planet someone dies of starvation every 2.43 seconds.  $150,000 is enough money to feed over 500 starving children, three meals a day for five years.

  3. I saw a commericial the other day on the TV. It said that the "average" of a wedding is $28,000. Personally, I spent less then $1,000 on my wedding. But then I'm not called one of the most frugal people in my family for nothing.

    good luck. :)  

  4. Hi.  The AVERAGE cost for a wedding in the U.S. today is about $20,000.  It is expected to go to about $28,000 by the year 2010.

    Now, that is the average.  A $150K wedding would be very, very lavish.'s her money and if that is how she wants to spend it, then that is her decision.

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