
What is the average cost to trim palm trees 20ft tall

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trim and disposal / the tree is @ 20ft before plume starts




  1. You haven't specified the type of palm but I will give you some Ideas.

    A 20 foot palm, if it is a Sable or a Washintonian will usually run around $25 each. If there is a lot of dead fronds it could run around $40.

    If it is a specimen palm like a Canary or Mejool that will require nut work it should run between $45 and $75 per palm. Usually disposal fees will be included in this price. Hope this helps.

  2. Do you mean you want to permanently remove the palm tree?

    Or are you removing the dead lower fronds that have not fallen off?

    The reason I ask is because a palm tree can not be trimmed or pruned like a tree such as an oak.

    If you cut the top growing point of a palm the tree will die.

    Depending on the type of palm tree it is, it may have side shoots that are coming up but any “trunk” that has the top growing point cut off, dies.

    The leaves themselves can be trimmed if you find it necessary but that is the most that can be done to a palm and have it stay alive.

    If you want a shorter palm in its place, the one that is there needs to be removed and replaced by a shorter one.

    Another option is to buy a cultivar that, when mature, will not be taller than you want it to be.

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