
What is the average croissant consumtion in france??

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What is the average croissant consumtion in france??




  1. About the same as it is in any other European country I'd imagine. So not that high. Contrary to popular believe the French eat more than just cheese and croissants while drinking wine.

    And the French care about what goes on in France.

  2. Enormous - about 200/300 a day + frogs, red wine, garlic, snails, foie gras, champagne and cognac

  3. 1478 per month , that's why they f**t so much , and have no teeth

  4. french know to eat big breakfast plus ten o'clock brake and believe me  they can eat a lot croissant

  5. I would guess anywhere between one and two for every person in France.  I thought they all had croissants for breakfast, so, if you figure in all the tourists who believe that, you'd be pretty close.

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