
What is the average day like for an Airframe and Power plant mechanic?

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I am a planner whom is working for an aircraft company that is a sub contractor for Boeing, Cessna, Airbus, etc. And I'm taking my A and P course here in town to become an aircraft maintenance technician . But don't know anyone in the A and P field personally and I'm really curious how's it really like actually in the feild.




  1. An A&P's day really depends on where he/she works.  Work is pretty dynamic and from my inquiries a typical day isn't always a typical day.  If you are working for a commercial carrier or contracted out as such the work is usually shift work.  Work for so many days so many days off.  If you are in GA as work comes in you get it done. I have some friends that have their own business in FL and when its slow its slow and when theres work theres work.  I've talked to a few flight schools and there days are also unpredictable.  You are normally on call 24/7. You might have to work late to get a plane off the ground for instruction the next day but you could come in later the next day or if need be take the next day off.  Flexibility is key in a lot of jobs.

  2. why nobody answered your Q? You mentioned being a planner if I think you are the guy who we call as production planner then you know already a typical day for an A&P mechanic. Our prod. planner plans/forecast when or what the A&P guys will do. Let us say this aircraft A is due for "A" chk, next month you schedule twhen it will be loaded in the hangar, check which AD's to be accomplished repititive or terminating or new issue AD if there is. You see that L1 door has a due slide raft then you sched. it also along with the replacement.

    The A&P guys will just get their work card/checksheets and get what he will do for the day, or his crew chief divides them 3 does the lubrication on wings/landing gear areas, others will work on the wings s***w jacks area as well as free play on the control surfaces. others will be assigned on the engines either replaced engine oil filters and drained and reserviced starter oil, CSD, & even turbo fan on air conditioning unit.

    Think you got the picture already?

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