One gallon of gasoline contains roughly 130MJ/gallon. Based on this, what would be the industry average estimates for percent of energy efficiency of automobiles by type (sedan, truck, SUV, compact, etc.)? I'm sure these values vary greatly by vehicle make as well.
I would believe that there is potential for huge improvements (orders of magnitude) in efficiency based on how so much energy is lost in the forms of heat, noise, vibrations, etc. Hybrid synergy drives already help some by converting kinetic energy into electrical potential energy, doubling fuel efficiency in some cases. Perhaps some of the heat can boil water to work like a locomotive engine, adding more power. The expansion of water could also assist in air conditioning with virtually no excess energy use. There are so many possible ways for improvements, which brings me back to the question of just how efficient the internal combustion drive is by itself.
Please, only answer if you have knowledge of this field.