
What is the average frequency of Tony Archer's voice? When he retires, should he become an opera singer?

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What is the average frequency of Tony Archer's voice? When he retires, should he become an opera singer?




  1. haha, you can't average it, its off the

    i hope he retires soon. i don't like him at all. someone should teach him how to use a whistle properly. He's a professional referee (supposed to be the current no.1) and he cant use whistle for crying out loud.

    I've got an idea, how bout i get some of my under 12's referees to show him how its done. lol.

  2. we should shove a banana down his throat so he can't make a bad decisions.

  3. Aha! But can he sing?

  4. the heck?

  5. about 70000000000000000000000000000000

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