
What is the average height and weight for a 12 month old?

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I had my son at WIC today. He was weighted and measured. He weighed 19lb's 12oz and his length was 29in's. I was concerned because when he was in on May 29th for his 9 month check up with his doctor he was 18lbs 14oz. So...he has only gained 14 oz in 4 month's? That just does not seem right or normal to me? He's a very happy baby. He eat's well and has normal bowel movement's. He also has plenty of wet diaper's. He is still being breastfed...only 2-3 a day. He's going to the doctor tommorow for thrush. Iam planning on asking about his weight. But...until then I would like to know what you all think? Thank's.




  1. 20 pounds is about the average. That is a low weight gain so I would ask his doctor but he sounds fine:) I am not sure what the average height is though.....

  2. Every baby is different but mine weighed almost 26 pounds and was 30 inches at a year. Some babies are just skinny and some are chubby.  

  3. There is not answer to your question, every baby is different. The doc should have some graph and be able to tell you what "percentile" your baby is at. What is important is that your baby is consistent. Like if at 3 months, he was around the 20th percentile, then at 9 months it's good if he's aroun that percentile as well.

    The reason the question is hard to anser is that the wieght/height charts are averages for ALL babies from a certain time period, this means white, black, asian, brown, green, blue, orange, polka dotted, etc. As long as the trend is followed, you are OK. And even if you are not, only your doctor will know if anything is wrong.

    Sorry to give a useless answer, but in this case I don't think that the net can give you a clear answer. You can probably find a chart online though.

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