
What is the average intelligence of the US voter today?

by Guest67013  |  earlier

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We may need to require a competence test, or go back to the old days when you had to own property to vote. Better yet, today you should have to prove you actually paid Federal income taxes to vote.




  1. By the looks of some of the other answers it is not improving much; however, the IQ has not changed at all.  The voter IQ is the same but they have lost individuality and the ability for rational thought.  They tend to listen to media rather than doing their homework.  You should look at issues and how they personally feel about things then compare answers and voting records of the candidates.  It would also be wise to listen carefully to the answers and see if they skirt the issue, cloud it with non related issues, or answer it at all.  Double talk is popular when they either don't want to answer a question or fear it will cost them votes to answer how they really feel.

  2. Well, I believe that the average US voters is the same people which made USA the strongest Military, economically, in Medicine, in science... after all USA have the most Nobel Prize Winners, so I would also think that USA average voters intelligence would naturally be very high.

  3. Last Tuesday, they had people lining up at their polling places in Wisconsin, Florida and Virginia who were ready to vote in the primaries. There was no election scheduled for those three states.

    Last year, several women called a radio talk show in NYC wondering how Osama could be bold enough to run for President of the U.S after his people attacked this country.

    Less than one in five adults has ever read the Constitution, yet many of them believe they know how to choose the President, when they have never read the description of the job.

    Less than half of adult voters can name their local Member of Congress, but they think that person is doing a lousy job.

    The only saving grace to all of this is the fact that less than half of eligible voters are registered to vote. Otherwise we would be facing some serious dilution in the commonweal.

  4. the average intelligence of the average voter is  0 because they put bush in office twice but i can say anything cuz im under 18 lol

  5. Based on the last election at least half of them are functionally retarded.

  6. Solar Power Socialism  would be rejected by both those in power and voters but voters can see through illusion and might vhange things.

  7. i wonder that myself by what we currently have in office

    i don,t think the average voter has a genius level iq to

    answer your question.

  8. I dont know , but if they would only take the time to learn about the candidates ,things would be different! Take Obama , for instance ,ge gets the major young voters , who believe he is like Washington, Obama does not lie!! ??? Lawyers all tell fibs!! This year it will resonate as the biggest flop in politics in the United states! Learning about the candidates , I , myself , my opinion is I dont like any of them!! There is really no one with the altruism, patriotism , courage , and defiant mode in the face of insourmountable obstacles to run for this top position , !! In other words what made the U.S.A. great is no longer here!! Saludos.

  9. Not what it used to be. Now they let some actor/actress make the decesion for them.

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