
What is the average length of a Marines tour?

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i just joined the Marines and im hearing different things from different hearing that their tours are 6 months from ppl and 12-18 months from other ppl....whos right? please let me know asap....thank you




  1. The length of deployment can vary greatly, but the average tour of duty is about seven months.

    Given the situations and conditions in both Afghanistan at Camp Phoenix, and Iraq at Camp Anaconda, the average tour of duty can be significantly different.

    With the two difficult fronts we are currently engaged in the average length of deployment is probably closer to 9 months. It does depend on what your MOS is though. Some units rotate with more frequency.

    Joining the Marines is a big decision and one to feel very proud about. They are a fine group of intensely well trained and prepared warriors who serve a variety of highly critical roles.

    What you have heard from others can be called accurate, since deployment can vary widely as I mentioned.

    Thank you for serving and expect to stay for at least 7 months on a hop.

    Your Force's unity is very strong and loyalty very high, which provides a very protective layer of security wherever you are assigned.

    Good luck to you!



    As I mentioned above, tours can be extended for a number of reasons and 17 months is certainly possible. If he's been deployed for 17 months chances are that he's been home at least once for a week to two weeks of leave. Due to having a couple of actions going on in two separate countries, and enlistment down, troops have been putting in plenty of extended duty.

    Don't sweat it. Just be prepared to go on a hop for at least a year, if it gets extended so be it, you're a Marine, you can take it.

    Our military is stretched thin right now and due to Stop Loss we are extending tours of duty like never before. The length of your hop also depends on your MOS.

    Again, don't sweat it Marine.

  2. well, you never know, because you can be stop-lossed, and leave your deployment for more training, how heavy the activity is where you are deployed, there are a ton of factors, but generally they will tell you 6 months to a year, but it could be longer, and realize that going to Japan or Australia is considered being deployed too. Has he been in the same place for all 17 months? visit and talk to some real Marines who have been deployed.

  3. 6-8 months for the Marines and a maximum of 12 months (used to be 15) for the Army

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