
What is the average life of a XL-2100 bulb for a LCD TV?

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What is the average life of a XL-2100 bulb for a LCD TV?




  1. about 3-4  years if used properly

  2. LCD's don't use bulbs.  If you own a RPTV that does use a bulb, then life span varies depending on how high you have the brightness and how many hours you watch per day. But the average length of time is between 2-5 years and replacement bulbs are costly.

    LCD's and Plasma average about 60,000 hours till it reaches it's half life brightness level on it's panel.  Which means at 60,000 the brightness of the TV will be half of what it was when the TV was new.  Which means that if you watch 5 hours of TV a day, it will take you on average 24 years before the LCD or plasma reaches it's half brightness.  But by then Tv's will be onto the next great thing and a LCD or plasma will be considered ancient technology.

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