
What is the average lifespan of a Sprint Cup car?

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How long does a car stay in the shop before its sold?

How many races does it run?




  1. depends upon who is driving it and how early in the race they total it.


  2. Like most of the others have answered, the teams replace most of the parts and components after each race. Another factor that I didn't see mentioned was what type of track it is used on. Before the COT car came around, teams would use track specific cars for as long as they were competitive. Some examples are the cars DEI used to win all those restrictor plate races. They used the same car for two or three years, as long as it was still unwrecked and winning. Another example is the car Gordon used to dominate th road course races with. It was one of those cars that for whatever reason ( even they weren't quite sure) was competitive for several years.

    I can't believe I almost forgot Rusty's mythical beast " Midnight" God it seemed like he ran that car for forever. They even re-skinned it to be a Ford when Penske made the change.

  3. If they're taken care of, they can usually be used for a couple of races before they are scrapped for good or sent to be show cars traveling the country. Every top team starts the season with about 12-18 brand new cars and that usually gets them through the 36-race schedule. The motors (and transmissions too I think) are always torn down and rebuilt after every race if they are to be used again.

  4. It all depends on the operation of any particular co. I would think no more than three seasons because so much changes from season to season.This is unless you are michael waltrip, the average lifespan of one of his cars is 2 races if he's lucky

  5. They are almost completely torn down after every race. Sometime's the body and some of the parts that don't wear get reused.

  6. Depends on the driver and the team. Are we talking about Michael McDowell or one of the better teams. Just kidding. I would say the average team probably tears down alot of equipment after each race, but if I was to guess complete car/engine/chassis probably lasts at the most one season. Just an opinion.

  7. It all depends on what happens to it. Jeff had a Monte Carlo that they called Blacker that ran for 5 years . He won a lot of races with it and when the Monte Carlo design was changed they hung new sheet metal on it. Rusty also had a lot of favorite cars so they just kept rebuilding them.

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