
What is the average litter size for a large dog?

by  |  earlier

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First, let me say, I am NOT asking the question for breeding purposes. I completely, and who heatedly do not support breeding because there are so many loving, and wonderful dogs stuck in shelters due to careless and constant breeding. The reason I ask is because several times pregnant strays have come into the shelter we got my dog from, and I was wondering what the average litter size is.




  1. if it's a big dog like a really big dog it should have like...1-7 or 1-9.

  2. depending on the dog 1-10 pups

    I have seen a shepherd give birth to only 4 puppies and a 4 1/2 pound chihuahua give birth to 7 pups.

  3. It depends on the dog, most large breed dogs have about 4-8 puppies and smaller breeds have about 1-4. Some large dogs can have health problems and only have 1-2 or some have 10-12. Also it is possible that it could not have puppies.

  4. about 4-8!

  5. It can all depend. My boss shows English mastiffs and one of her females had eleven puppies! Usually, the larger the breed, the more puppies there will be.

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