
What is the average mile time for a 13-year-old female?

by Guest328  |  earlier

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What is considered average, and what is considered above average?




  1. Guest34459

     I am a 13 year old girl and I ran the mile today. It was 9:01 minutes. I am not in shape and I weigh around 125 lb.

  2. last year I had above 11 min... and now it's about 6 mins. but yeah, my school's average is about 8-9 min. It's dissapointing that only like 4 people run the mile around 6: 15.

  3. All these people who are talking about if you are above 8 minutes you are obese are wrong. I run an 8 minute mile and I am skinny as a stick, I'm just fairly short. My legs aren't long enough for me to have a big stride, and how big your stride is is a super important component to your mile time. How tall you are is a huge factor, because I have a friend who is 12 and 5'10". She can run it in 6 minutes, just because she has SUPER LONG LEGS!!!!!! So, think if you are tall or not and how large your stride is before you decide that you are "morbidly obese".

  4. I just ran the mile today and I got 7:41. I'm 13.

  5. <p>&nbsp;im fourteen and i ran a 521</p>

  6.  im fourteen and i ran a 521

  7.  I'm 13 but i ran it in like 8:47.

    Is that bad? I only play basketball and i'm 5'2.

  8.  last year when i was 12 i ran a 7:32 mile, and this year i can run about 7:15.....but the average for the 13 year old is about 8:30

  9. The average mile for a 13 year old girl is a 9 flat. This person doesnt care about your miles, just wants the know the average. So no need to try and brag. Sweetie, it's 9:00.


    I am a 12 year old female and i weigh 103 pounds. im very competitve when it comes to sports. on the mile i usally get 6:05min but when i really try i get 5:40min

  11. Well I'm on the cross crountry team and I do about 8 30. To my standards that is good and better than average. I'm the fastest girl my age on the team. I think 9-11 is average but my standards are really low. =)

  12. im 14 and i weigh 134lbs im in crosscountry but i run 2 miles so i dont know how fast i run a one mile.  Last year i just ran 1 mile and i got 5:26 but i still just got 2nd place.  I weighed around 125 pounds last year but i have a lot of muscle.

  13. Well when I was 13 I ran about a 6.00 minute mile and now that I'm 16 I run about a 5.44. I'm not in track and have had no training but I play soccer for my highschool and club and have just kept in shape.

  14. I don't know the average.  But I just run a mile today (I am 13 and a female) and I got 7:58 everyone else got from 10-12 minutes in my class. Our track is very turny (its ten laps) and my fastest time is 7:36. I would say the average is 9:00 min because people in my class didn't care about running.

    I used to by very athletic but not anymore. I used to run a mile and then swim half of a mile three to four times a week, but now I just run on the weekends and swim two-three times a week. The sports I do are basketball and I swim in meets year around.

  15. I am 13 year old girl 1 am 120lbs and i ran a 7 minnute mile and i was in the middle of the people running

  16. I did it in like 11 minutes. I am not very athletic and I have a leg problem. Most of the girls in my school di, like, 10 minutes to 11 minutes, but my school is just low like that. my weight is 105 lbs.

  17. Im 13 years old im sort of athletic, i way 140 pounds but i get 6:30 second miles and i want under 6 minutes(impress the girls i like) what should i do. i am also around 6 foot so i look like a twig.

  18. Im 13 years old im sort of athletic, i way 140 pounds but i get 6:30 second miles and i want under 6 minutes(impress the girls i like) what should i do.

  19. I am 13 and ran it in 11:00 without any training or preparing.

  20. im im 13 year old girl and so far my best time in the mile is 6:28 and i hope by the end of the track sesson i can get at least a 6:15. this girl i ran against the other day came in 1st and had a 6:08 then i came in second with 6:28

  21. ok one of the chicks up there said she runs it in 5:00. HAHAHAHA That's bull c**p

  22. that means i'm slow............i ran it in 7mins ad 28 sec...=/

  23. i get 6:30 and im on the cross country and track team. a really good time would be under 6, im a sophomore in high school and hope to get there soon. but an average runner is about 8 minute mile. good runner is 6:30 or less. great runner is 6 or less.

  24. I only run when we are forced to run the mile in PE, and I am a freshman. I can run the  mile in seven minutes and thirty seconds, and I'm never too out of breath when I finish. when we run a mile and a half I get ten and a half minutes, so I think I keep a fairly steady pace. I am usually the second or third girl to finish, so I can't be too slow!!
    I think that A good starting time for the first time you run the mile is eight minutes, and as you keep running it every week you will know what to expect and become more in shape.Just jog the whole mile and sprint the last lap.  A really good tip is to breath evenly, and in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Wear running shoes or you can seriously mess up your joints (I did that in seventh grade and they still hurt sometimes!!). Good Luck on your mile time!!

  25. im about 5.55 6.00
    but im quite a competitive runner

  26. im 13 and i got a 5:00. im majorly athletic

  27. I am 12 and my mile time is 6:00 minuetes I think the average would be 8:00.

  28. I am 12 and my mile time is 6:00 minuetes I think the average would be 8:00.

  29. i am 13 and my mile time is 7:05 minutes and i dont run everyday

  30. Im a boy in the 8th grade on my schools crosscountry team and i run about a 5:45 mile time. Some girls on my team can run about a 6:30 but most run about a 7:50 which is about avg. for a 13-14 year old.

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