
What is the average monthly salary in Argentina (outside of Buenos Aires) for a mid-level office job?

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What is the average monthly salary in Argentina (outside of Buenos Aires) for a mid-level office job?




  1. I'd say, from 500 pesos to 1000 pesos like the girl said. You'll definetely earn more in BA, maybe 1500 pesos (500 dollars)

  2. Way under your desires, probably. In us dollars? About 300 a month. That's the same as AR$ 1,000, give or take. It can be lower than that, too.

  3. check before you move.  The argentines need the jobs and will probably get them before someone immigrating to the country.

  4. no idea but heres one guess. take their annual per capita gdp, which is like $7000. that is an incoome of less than $600 a month per head. compare that to that of the us: gdp per capita is like $45000 which is equivalent to a monthly income of $3,750 per head. put another way, argentinas wages must be about six times lower than those of the us

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