
What is the average number of non-fatal car accidents per person (age 18-25) in the US ?

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Hey Everyone.

I am doing a statistical research for a stat. class and I need to compare the average number of car accidents per student in my university (which I already have) to the average number of car accidents per person ages 18-25 in America. I tried putting in some queries on the FARS website, but it comes out to a really low normal, and I think its the fatal accidents. If someone knows how to help, please let me know. I really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.





  1. FARS only catalogues fatal crashes. The NHTSA website referenced in the first post is extensive, and even though I am there every day, it sometimes takes a while to find the information I need. You can find the crashes by type on page 4 of this document:

    And the US population estimates on the second row of this file:

    I'm happy to provide these data, but be sure to do plenty of your own research, because it is a skill that will pay off for you on many levels. Be educated, and be a good citizen of the world, and your endeavors will be useful and noble.

  2. You can find it at this site, just search it out and good luck.

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