
What is the average number of "present" votes for Illinois legislators over an eight year period?

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What is the average number of "present" votes for Illinois legislators over an eight year period?




  1. obama had 130 in 143 days.must be that experience and his ability to make decisions that aren't above his pay grade!

  2. Let's see.... 130 + present votes for two years in the senate.

    130 x 4 ='s 520

    I'd go with an average of 500 present votes over eight years.

  3. Do you still not know how this works.  The Illinois senate is set up this is the way it works.  If you like a bill but think it needs more work you vote "present", cause if you vote "no" and there are enough "no" votes the bill gets thrown out.  It is used to get the feeling of where the bill is at to see if it should still be worked on or not.  Are you guys really that slow that you haven't figured this out yet?

  4. Much much much less than 100.

  5. One is too many for someone seeking the Presidency.

    Vote or quit.

  6. 163

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