
What is the average pay for Navy EOD

by Guest32023  |  earlier

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I plan on joining the Navy Special Operations for Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) soon, my question is, what is the average pay for this field? I know the sign on bonus is $40,000 but what would i make a month and how much is dive pay/parachute pay/and detonation pay?




  1. In addition to your normal pay allowances, EOD Technicians receive incentive pay to include:

    Demolition Pay/Parachute pay

    Servicemembers that perform flying duty as non-crewmembers, parachute jumping, demolition of explosives, handle toxic fuels, engage in flight deck duty or experimental stress duty, and so on earn $150 per month. There is one exception to the $150 per month for parachute jumping, is the authority to bestow $225 per month for HALO jumps.

    Dive Pay

    Military personnel are entitled to diving duty pay of up to $240 for officers and up to $340 for enlisted per month. In time of war, the President may suspend diving duty pay. The following table shows the current Army Dive Pay payment rates:

    Enlisted Dive Pay Rates:    

    Student $110

    Salvage Diver  $175

    Diver 1st and 2nd Class  $215

    Master Diver  $340


    Officer Dive Pay Rates    

    Student $110

    Combat Diver  $215

    Dive Officer ASI 5V $240

    Special Duty Assignment Pay

    If you are an enlisted member who is entitled to basic pay and are performing duties which have been designated as extremely difficult or involving an unusual degree of responsibility in a military skill, you may, in addition to other pay or allowances to which you are entitled, be paid special duty assignment pay.

    The following table reflects the most recent DOD changes to SDAP:

    SD-1 $75.00

    SD-2 $150.00

    SD-3 $225.00

    SD-4 $300.00

    SD-5 $375.00

    SD-6 $450.00

    Foreign Language Pay

    The maximum monthly pay for active-duty servicemembers who are proficient in another language ranges from $300 to $1,000.

    Enlistment/Selective Reenlistment Bonuses

  2. well, you would get paid for your enlistment rank according to the military pay chart. But you might get an additional hazardous duty pay depending on where you are stationed.

  3. From my own experience, other than the Base Pay, BAH (housing), & BAS (Food), you will also get the minimum of

    Demo Pay (Basic) $150

    Jump Pay (Basic) $150

    Dive Pay (Basic) $150, you won't be qual for HALO for a while.

    In addition, you may also get (if applicable) Flight Deck Pay ($100), Fly Pay ($150), Sea Pay (depends on your sea-time minimum $50, Seperation Pay (if you are married), Combat Pay ($225), Harzardous Duty Pay (as an E-5 $190), Special Duty Pay ($350), and  my buddy in Iraq, who speaks Farsi, also got Language Pay (I'm jealous) $700.

    I think that covers all of it. But the amount of money can change once you get through the pipeline. Good luck and go earn that "CRAB."

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