
What is the average p***s size for a teenager? ?

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i'm a 5.0 is that normal? and does masturbating help your p***s to grow, a

btw i am fifteen about to turn sixteen




  1. Hey bro, five inches is right around average. You're doing great. I just want you to know also, that your 'soft state' has nothing to do with your 'erect state' because when you are soft, the temperature and climate determines what it is like. But yeah, I am only fifteen also and am 6.2 and you will eventually get bigger (maybe not much, but you WILL get bigger by 21 years old). Keep on going buddy, you're almost done =]

  2. I'm 21 and i have 6" i think ur d**k is normal

  3. im 5.2 inch and im 13

  4. This is not a need to worry about too much, everyone has thought this is it big enough. If your thinking about girls which you probably are its not about how big it is, look online for instructions on how to please her. Trust me she won't say its small of even think that if you can use it right. Your about average. Everyone has thought this even I have, think of it this way if your 5 in erected or not, if you go to Asia you'll have the biggest d**k there!  

  5. You are very normal.

    The following from a peer reviewed scientific paper (see source link)

    "we calculated that the mean erect p***s length was 5.3 in. (13.5 cm), with 68% of men measuring between 4.6 and 6.0 in. (11.7 cm and 15.2 cm), 13.5% between 3.8 and 4.5 in. (9.7 cm and 11.4 cm), and 13.5%

    between 6.1 and 6.8 in. (15.5 cm and 17.3 cm); only about 2.5% of men possessed a p***s over 6.9 in. (17.5 cm) long, and 2.5% were under 3.7 in. (9.4 cm) long."

    5.3 is apparently the average in adult males. Assuming that you have not finished growing then you will be spot on average, or a bit above.

  6. 5 is fine, the average size is 3-7 inches if i remember correctly. and you still have time to grow. well that's what they said in health class.

    myles, i'm part asian and im only 14 but mine is already 6.2. i really don't get why people think asians have small penises and i don't like you making fun of us.

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