
What is the average p***s size for a white man of 6 feet tall ?

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Average length ? And average Growth ?




  1. 5 to 6 inches is average. 1 to 1 1/4 girth. Height seems to have little if anything to do with size.

  2. Height has nothing to do with it. I am 6`3 and only about 6 in.

  3. When you talk about average, the average size of most men's p***s' is between 5-6" long. That means that no matter how tall you are or what ethnicity, most men fit into hat category. People need to start realizing that the p***s is theonly part of the male body that doesn't grow in relation wth the rest of your body. You could be as tall as Shaq and still be between 5-6"!

  4. avg. is 6 inches

    id expect you to be about 6-7 inches based on race and hieght

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