
What is the average price of breakfast, lunch and dinner meals in london?

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What is the average price of breakfast, lunch and dinner meals in london?




  1. Depends where you go.

    Breakfast could be anything betweem £3 to £7 (stay near the greasy cafes, cos the expensive stuff usually taste vile and cold by the time it reaches your table, not worth the price).

    Lunch could be anything between £4 (McDonalds) to £10 (middle of the road restaurants).

    Dinner again could range from £4 (McDonalds again if you're desperate) to £20 (flashy restaurants).

    Have you ever tried noodle bars?  If you like Chinese food and on a tight budget then try these out.  There are various ones around London and most are pretty good.  They are good value for money and your plate usually arrives piled high with noodles!  Don't worry if you don't like noodles as they do rice dishes aswell.

  2. Breakfast (full English): Approximately £4-9 per person, dependent on area of London.

    Lunch: As above, although some restaurants could charge as much as £10-15 for one person.

    Dinner: Sky is the limit, dependig on whether you eat in, or out, and if out: where you are. Could be anything from £8 - 40 per person, just for the food: that's not including drinks. It's a fairly expensive place to live, unless you're lucky and find fantastic places for cheap.

  3. £6

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