
What is the average salary for a 34 year old male?

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I am 34 years old and want to know what the average person my age makes annually.




  1. That would depend on your level of education, training, vocation or profession, and the state in which you live.


    My son is 34, has a degree in computer technology, and is a computer technician. His salary is $45,000. He could go to North Carolina and earn twice that amount doing the same type of work. He doesn't want to relocate, because his wife, my daughter-in-law, owns an insurance agency locally. She'll be 29 her next birthday. She earns about $200,000.

    My daughter's husband is in medical sales in Texas. He is 41 and earns around $350,000. At age 34 he was earning around $250,000.

    Your question is a tough one to answer, because there are too many variables. But I gave you some examples to consider.

  2. Well in the U.S. you're lucky if you even get a job.

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