
What is the average salary for an electrician or a plumber?

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does anyone know? websites confirming it will be welcome :) or if you just already know anyway.

answer asap please




  1. According to the UK Government, in 2003, the last year for which  figures are now available, a plumber earns an average  of 10 GBP per hour and a electrician is at about 12 GBP per hour.

    Do a Google search for " average wages for plumbers in the UK  "

    BTW don't you just love it when a Yank barges in and  starts quoting figures in   American  dollars when you asked about wages  in the UK ?

    Duh ?  A Homer Simpson moment, for sure

    Jim B. Toronto.

  2. Depends who you work for. If you work for an outfit with benes about $30/hour. I know one guy who gets $40/hour on his own. These are all experienced tradesmen too.

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