
What is the average salary needed to live comfortably in metro Chicago?

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I hear mixed answers from people I know up there, I just need as many different opinions as possible. I'm college educated, considering a job that requires 3 to 5 years industry specific experience. (Its definitely not entry level.) It's a 6 day per week job, fast paced environment. It's not in finance or technology either.

I know what I'd like to be paid, and am prepared to request it, but I need to know what the average salary for a standard offer is... so I can use that as a point of reference and bargaining tool. I plan on living alone in Lincoln Park or Wrigleyville, I have a car so I would need a parking space, I travel during holidays, and I work out frequently so I would also join a gym. I don't like to live beyond my means, so obviously I can make some sacrifices, but I don't want to.

I'm thinking 55k to 67k? Or am I way off?




  1. Give yourself another 20%.  Costs are rising for everything.  Good Luck!

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