
What is the average speed and max speed achieved by race cyclists?

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What is the average speed and max speed achieved by race cyclists?




  1. I assume you mean Pro road racing?

    A common average speed for a 100+ mile average race would be about 25mph. For a TT around 30mph.

    Max speed?

    down hill about 60+

    sprint about 40+

  2. i raced US pro2.  we tended to average anywhere from 24-30mph, depending.  you have to understand there are so many factors in there.  sprinters try and slow a race, strong riders try and get away.  some races just develop a slow pace and a huge sprint.  it just isnt plain and simple to answer either of these.  on long, fairly straight decents you can get over 60mph, though that is really rare.

  3. Average high 20's.  Max varies with terrain, in excess of 55 mph on steep descents.

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