
What is the average time a US citizen spend driving per day/year?

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You can include time wasted in traffic as well if you know!




  1. i have found more and more, that averages arent very...reliable when talking about the general population.

    average DEBT is 5k <according to some researchers> but in actuality, alot of people have none, alot only have 1-2k, and some have 20-30k which skews the numbers.

    driving is the same.  some areas people dont have long comutes, 5-30minutes, while others its excessive 1-3 hours, which again skews the numbers.  

    Average miles driven per year is 12,000-15,000 thats probably the truest average.

  2. I actually just read a report on this yesterday about the top 10 cities with the worst traffic. The report stated that Los Angeles was the top with commuters spending on average 64 hours a year sitting in traffic. This means they are just wasting time not moving anywhere. Then if you assume that the average person travels anywhere from 12,000-16,000 miles a year with a 30 mile commute taking at least 1 hour factoring in traffic, I would say that is anywhere from 400-533 hours per year. That is a lot of gas money.

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