
What is the average time length a gunie pig will live?

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What is the average time length a gunie pig will live?




  1. well...if you kill it the day you get it then it will live 1 day in you're house.but if you're the best pet owner in the world,it should live a long time.sorry i couldn't give a straight answer.

  2. Mine didn't live long cause they got sick but if they live a good life with out getting sick they should live a good 5 or 6 years

  3. 5-6 years. Found that out at my animal couse

  4. The average length of a guinea pigs life, if cared for properly and it dies of old age, is 6-8 years.

  5. Average is 4-6 years.

    More if they live inside as less seseptable to mites and other diseases passed on by other (feral) animals or even neighbours cats ect.

    Also loads die in winter of being too cold.

    Hope i helped =) please choose as best

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