
What is the average time to jog/run a 5k?

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I am running a 5k this afternoon and was wondering what an average time?

Please help ; 10 points for best answer!




  1. The fastest local runners will likely run a 5K in about 15 minutes. The top high school cross country runners will finish in 15 or 16 minutes.

    The first woman will likely finish in about 17 minutes.

    The top high school girl will likely finish in 18-20 minutes.

    Reasonably quick men and women will run between 20-25 minutes.

    Joggers and fun runners will run slower than 25.

    Use the time you run this afternoon as a starting point. Base your future workouts on your mile per minute pace. Divide your mile per minute pace to get splits for shorter distances like 400 and 800 meters. Try improving on those splits to increase your speed and endurance.

  2. The average pace per mile is around 9-10 minutes per mile for the average runner.

  3. avg time... well depends wat group of ppl u ask lol.

    for a beginner/novice id aim for about the 20 min mark.  15km/hr

  4. I was a runner in high school and went to states every year that I ran cross country. and The times would range between 16-21 minutes. An Average time for a normal runner would probably be 21-23 minutes.

  5. COOL, i ran a 5k b4 and came last, lol

    but when i looked at the records for the 5k that i ran the average time wat about   21 minutes

    your welcome XD

  6. 30 min.

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