
What is the average weight for a teen (Junior Olympic) deadlift?

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I'm 15 and can deadlift well over 400 maybe 500 something pounds, is this really good or just average? I'm about 170 pounds and it seems like I'm just naturally better at the deadlift then everyone I know. Anyway I don't know if this is good, average, or really good.




  1. There's no deadlifting in the olympics, weightlifting is the snatch and the clean and jerk.  Also if you want to train for absolute strength then sets of 10 reps are waaay too many

  2. we have a record chart thing on our weight room wall at school but i cant remember exactly but i was all state for medium build at 6 foot and i dead lifted 450... i know it was a weak one but that was just a bad day... your probably a sophomore now and weighing at 170 is medium build so 500 is probably around all american... according to the chart... its not just a thing a coach made up its actually legit stuff so yeah that's really good though for a sophomore  

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