
What is the average weight of babies being born in england today?

by  |  earlier

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im due in less than 4 weeks...and im average weight....but its still scary....




  1. Don't know the official figure, I reckon about 8lbs.

  2. I am watching that program and it does make you scared. they are very very big babies. I thought I had a big baby at 9lbs 8oz (i got told I just had a very healthy pregnancy, I am only small) So my 1st was 8lbs 2oz and my 2nd 9lbs 8oz. Don't worry you will be fine. x

  3. Im not in england, but does that matter?

    i think 7 or 8 lbs is about avg

    5-6 would be avg for a premie, and 9-12 would be on the heavy (painful) side

  4. 7 - 8 lbs

  5. average was around the 7lb mark but I think that has increased and more likely around 7-9 lbs now.

  6. 5 pound 5 ounces

  7. my son was 8lbs 8oz wen he was born

  8. anywhere between 6 and 9lbs? - good luck and don't worry too much. x

  9. My little boy is 10 weeks old now he was 7lb 2 1/2oz when he was born and wonderful. I Watched that programme on the TV unbelievable my angel is progressing well at an average weight and I intend to keep him that way.

  10. are you watching that program on the tv then?

    some people need to look after themselves more.

    50% of death in child birth is to obese women.

  11. I think it is anywhere between 6 and 8 Ibs.

    My daughter weighed 7Ibs 12oz

  12. a good weight is anything between 7lbs and 9lbs.  both my babies were very light weighing just 5lb 14 and 6lb 4.

  13. im not over weight and had healthy pregnancies my 1st was 7lb 7oz my 2nd (got told ill be lucky if weighed over 8lb) was 9lb 14oz third ( got told no your not having a big baby ) was 10lb 4oz sooo painful i can remember screaming shes stuck help ouch

  14. my baby was 7/12

  15. I'd say around 6-8 lbs

    Congratulations & Good Luck! Hope you have a very healthy baby! :)

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