
What is the bad education like in mexico?

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ive heard that mexico has horrible education is this true?




  1. You heard wrong. Perhaps there are places, just like in the US where education is worse than others. But my sons went to  school in the US and here. Left Calif. as 'C' students, returned after a couple years here and were on the honor roll in Calif. The did not suddenly get smart, they learned better study habits and time management. Three of my grand daufgters are now here (2 years so far) and they are 1 to 2 years ahead of the US schools.  (I need to add, we have them in pricate schools here)

  2. Public schools vary greatly.  Only 3 years of school is mandatory and that law is not strictly enforced.  In some places the elementary schools are poorly equipped and the teachers are poorly trained.  In other places the public schools are excellent.  Families make a BIG difference...if the family considers education importamt, AND sends the kids to school, helps them at home...they do well.  If the kids get past 3rd grade , they are much more likely to go until at least 9th grade. Elementary schools get much more serous about kids in 4th grade and over as they figure these kids are going to stick to it.  In secondary ( grades 7, 8, 9)  the work is harder and more advanced then in most schools in the U.S. of the same grade. Preparatory ( high school) is definetly harder than highschool in the U.S.  Kids must take a test to get into highschool after they graduate from secondary.  The BIG weakness is in the elementary...1st 3 grades. There is very little art, music, P.E. in elementary.  Time is spent on the academics.   There are many private schools and middle class and wealthy families send their kids to these schools.The curriculum and text books used in the public schools is very organized, thorough, and well-written.  It includes  a great deal of geography and world history, ecological studies, science,  and 8 to 10 years of English .  If the kids stick to it till 4th grade and the parents are supportive, they can get a good education.

  3. You got good answers. A short one here:

    Bad education is at public schools, but there are many private schools here; unfortunatelly (as you must guess) not everybody can afford it.

  4. Education is good in Mexico and parents work hard to pay tuition. I believe parents have to pay after the 3rd or 4th grade. Many kids here in Baja Norte do their homework on the computer and work on their English language skills. Many jobs in the tourism industry require 80 percent English. A good education still depends on the focus of the parents. Some pretty smart kids in my neighborhood.

  5. In addition to the very good answers above, I would add that many parents strive to send their kids to private schools, and there is a wide range of prices for these schools. Tuition might be very, very high, but there are also mid-range and even low-range schools, from elementary level to senior high school, with quite high academic levels.

    I am the living proof of that. I had all my education at low-range tuition schools (my family could not afford much), and all my classmates and me got the best possible education and scored high on our admittance exams to other schools and universities.

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