
What is the bad side to shaving your pubs is there any???

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What is the bad side to shaving your pubs is there any???




  1. Nothing that I know of. I think it's fine.

  2. Irritated, bumpy and itchy.

  3. it itches when they grow back.

  4. u itch a lot

  5. You look like a 10 year old boy.

  6. Wax, wax wax, please don't shave.  No stubble, no itchiness growing back in, the hair gets softer and finer, not harder and ingrown.  

  7. druzell, the itch when they grow back.  And, it's pubes!!!

  8. Itchy is definitely a bad side and I have had trouble with ingrown hairs which REALLY suck

  9. be careful not to clip your femeral artery.  My mom always said that could be very dangerous.  I'm not sure you're terribly likely to actually cause enough damage while shaving to actually bleed to death, but it's probably still a good idea to be sure that you don't nick yourself there!

    And, I guess it's itchy when the hair starts to grow back, like, in a day or two.

  10. Ingrown hairs which could lead to infection, if your into some serious pain go for the wax!

  11. dont shave just trim. they will grow back and the tiny hairs will rub against your thighs. chafing + itching = ouch. plus your nuts need to hibernate in the winter and need warmth

  12. It itches and you get ingrown hairs that can turn into massive, under-the-skin infections.  

    Don't do it.

  13. haha pubs:].

    but you get these little bumps and then it itches.

    but otherwish its all good. nothing horrible will happen go

    for it!

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