
What is the baddest thing you ever did when you was a kid?like a fight?was it Worth it?

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What is the baddest thing you ever did when you was a kid?like a fight?was it Worth it?




  1. There was a boy in 7th grade who used to pinch my butt every time I walked by. He would also lift my skirt quickly if I happened to be waering one.

    He would always act as if it wasn't him but I knew it was.

    I told the principal but since I never caught him in the act, nothing could be done.

    So one day I walk pass him, and I feel the all too familiar pinch, so I confront him, and he laughs at me.

    He tells me there's nothing I can do, so I punched him in the face and broke his nose.

    First time I ever hit anyone, and I managed to break his nose.

    I was almost expelled, but I just got suspended for 2 weeks.

    For the rest of the year and the following year, he would follow me around asking me out.

    To this day I don't understand why.

  2. I was 8 going to Catholic school.  The nun punished me for something I didn't do so I kicked her and pulled her veil off.  Yeah, it was worth it.  

  3. well im still a kid technically but i did punch this guy alot and i still do but i almost broke his nose with a waterbottle one time.

    i take after my dad. we both like punching stuff. he socked a kid in the eye when HE was a little boy...  

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