
What is the ballpark pressure when adding freon to Coleman AC model brcq0361cb?

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What is the ballpark pressure when adding freon to Coleman AC model brcq0361cb?




  1. There  is no ballpark, it depends on the outside temperature, the indoor temperature, is the condensing unit clean, is the evaporator coil clean, are all the vents open in the house?  If you add too much you can really mess up your condenser, and make the compressor useless.  If you must add freon yourself, make sure the suction line is beer can cold, but I high recommend not attempting to do this yourself if you know nothing about pressures and temperatures  of a refrigerant system, plus you really should have an EPA Type two license to preform this.

  2. You can't even buy the stuff without a license.

  3. 65-70 on suction side, that is big copper tube

    stay cool

  4. If your using r-22, you want your suction pressure above 58# of pressure to keep the unit from freezing up, and you don't want the high side pressure running over 275#.  If the system is clean inside and out I usually try to run about 65-70 # low side and 250#+or- 10# if it is hot outside.  You don't want the pressure over 275  Ideally you want the needles on the gauges to parallel.   try to get most system in the heat of the day to run 250 over 68-70#.  Good luck and God Bless.

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