
What is the basic cause for a woman not to be able to take a complement, and what can I do about it?

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when ever I tell some women that they are beautiful they get all pissy about it, instead of just taking the complement. and I do say it in a way of a complement, and not a come on to them. I know it may stem from low self esteem, and if so how do I know if that is not just a catalyze for a much deeper personality disorder, or disorders?

as my ex wife has multiple personality disorders, one of which is she is psychotic as a result of it. and I just want to watch out for all of the tell tell signs and it is known that one usually looks for the same thing in all of his or her mates.

do I need to explain more?




  1. I don't believe that it's a personality disorder, unless your real unlucky on who your saying it to.

    It's probably on experience on how women react to it, because nowadays a compliment is used for lovers, or a person trying to have some fun. It's a classic stereotype that brings us out and en-guarde.

  2. We're not ALL suffering from low self-esteem. It sounds more like you need help in where, when, and how you compliment us.

    Personal observations from strangers, coworkers, or casual acquaintances often feel creepy. Particularly ones that go on and on, or compare us to other people, sound sexist, or seem TOO personal or superficial.

    The proper answer to a compliment is "Thank you!" or "Thank you for noticing." Look for anything more than that and you are getting too personal too fast.

    We like to be noticed for our minds, our wit, our humor, our compassion... not our racks or our looks.

    Additional input:

    Yup, if your idea of a compliment is your response to the first person, it's definitely creepy.

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