
What is the basic premise underpinning the use of magnets for preventing and curing illness in the body?

by Guest59404  |  earlier

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What is the basic premise underpinning the use of magnets for preventing and curing illness in the body?




  1. You know, it is basically like god: no one can prove it works, and no one can prove that it does not.  

    But, electromagnetism is 1 of the 4 natural forces that permeate the entire universe (other 3: strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and gravity)...  How could it not affect (or is it effect?) the body?

    And this is/has been proven...over and over.  Just ask a physicist, shoot I almost majored in it until I found out how the trig and calc and all were completely muddling my brain-so to speak.

  2. That certain people are gullible enough to pay money for magnet-based therapy and treatment.

  3. (There isn't one!)

    Many people don't understand magnetism very well.  They think it helps arthritis, makes fuel flow through your car's fuel lines better, and all sorts of other nonsense.


    NMCollegeStudent, then why not use more gravity to get better!  When you feel sick, just sit in a centrifuge at 3 or 4 g for a few hours!

    Clearly the "strong force" is by far the strongest of the four fundamental forces.  And everybody's body is chock-full of the strong force -- it's holding together every atomic nucleus except hydrogen!  Use that one to make yourself better!  Wait a minute -- with the abundance of these four fundamental forces, how is it possible to get sick to begin with?

    What is your answer to the question ("what is the basic premise") then?  Faith?  (That's the best I can come up with from what you wrote.)  Yes, faith works.  If you believe in any treatment, you can sometimes see relief from it.  It's called the Placebo effect.  But the curative effect from faith in the healing power of magnetism really has nothing to do with magnetism itself.  It has to do with the Placebo effect.

    So, we are right back to where we started:  What is the basic premise?

    I stand by my original answer (with a "thumbs-up for JGoulden).

  4. Magnet therapy is considered pseudoscientific due to both physical and biological implausibility, as well as a lack of any established effect on health or healing.

    Good Luck !

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