
What is the basis of marxism?

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What is the basis of marxism?




  1. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were the founding fathers of it.

    Marx's ideas are based around capitalism and bourgeoisie (ruling class) ideology.

    he argues that every institution (religion, the media etc) reproduces and reinforces the ideas stemming from the owners of the means of production, which legitimate and enforce exploitation of the working class. His idea and hope, was that one day there would be a huge revolution, where the once docile and passive work force would realise their exploitation and overthrow capitalism (he would be sad to know that this has not yet occurred)

  2. In very basic terms, Marxism is about seeing society as based on class conflict (bourgois and proletariat), that it is made up of a superstructure/infrastructure (the economic base influences institutions etc.) and that capitalism is just plain bad.  This is your starting point, hope it helps.

  3. The ideas of Karl Marx

  4. the reference would be what Marx's society was during his time, how the contributions of the society's past have brought a lot of changes relative to Marx's time and how will it affect the years to come. Purely on socio-economic reasons, the backlogs of industrial revolution and pure genius out of his radical mind.

  5. The problem with Marxism is that Karl Marx himself said that he did not necessarily approve with the ideas of Marxism. Rather ironic, no?

    Marx was an economist, but he collected a great deal of observations about sociology. Sociologists usually consider him a sociologist for the sake of argument.

    The basis of his ideas was that a privileged upper class that managed all of the money in the world always oppressed the lower working class that did all the work in the world. He saw this as unfair. He thought that people were too weak to let capitalism work, because we are too susceptible to what he called "commodity fetishism." He believed that all humans put in a position to fight for our economy would eventually be so enthralled by the ideas of getting more wealth that the economy would collapse.

    It's interesting stuff, really, but many people have had interpretations of that theory.

  6. A theory and practice of Socialism including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society.

    Another words, a fascist dictatorship of collectivism.

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