
What is the begining of the human race?

by Guest56576  |  earlier

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What is the begining of the human race?




  1. That's a hard one.  Especially since I am not an anthropologist.  I'm pretty sure there was some anomalous mutation that jumped the 'apes' up several steps to 'human' or at least 'humanoid'.  That's would be the 'missing link'.  

    Several hundred thousand years ago.

  2. Anthropology is a growing science. They dont have all the facts to  say exactly when certain things happened . the link with  the last known pre human species goes back  to  about 8 million years ago, so  exact details are sketchy at best.

    Mostly because there were several  different lines of humans that evolved parallel to  one another, each  reaching certain milestones such as agriculture and economic systems separately. These developed separately into Caucasian, African, Asian  and possibly more I'm not certain. thats why  we are all considered HUMAN because we come from  the same source with the same brain but we are so different because we had whole different evolutionary experiences, depending on where our evolution took place.  

    ADAM and EVE is a nice litle moral  tale for people to  grow up  with but thats all it is. Thats all it is meant to  be or it wouldnt be so full of holes that anyone over 10 years old could see through. such as if ADAM and  EVE were the first progenitors and there was no-one before them  then how is it that their son CAIN encountered other  whole civilizations after being cast out by God. Why would he need a mark ? there should have been no-one else to  see it.

    The story is not even original to  the judeo-christian bible. It is a modified version of various pre-existing  ancient babylonian/mesopatamian creation myths.

  3. There is the remains of a black african woman that scientists named Lucy, who is suppose to have been the first "human" woman, meaning what we would consider homosapien. The remains are currently in Ethiopia, under the guard and care of scientists, but there is talk of taking Lucy's remains on a six year tour of the USA to various museums and exhibits. The Ethiopians are fighting it because they fear that no matter how careful the "handlers" are, after a six year tour the remains will be damaged. I would look up "Lucy + First Woman", or something to that effect on Yahoo. Or search Archaeological and Anthropological websites, they of course will have loads of information.

  4. The Human race began with Adam and Eve. They later gave birth to two (2) sets of twins. One was Cain and his sister and the other was able and his sister. Read Genesis in the bible.

  5. Neanderthal, I  think

  6. at some point , like 3 million years ago, Lucy is considered human I think

  7. Well, we originated in Africa. What is called "human" is debated. Are homo sapien sapiens the only true humans? What about the earlier fore-runners to humans like Australopithecus? No one really knows exact numbers, but homo sapiens are thought to have evolved around 200,000 years ago.

  8. Adam and Eve.

  9. a superior kind made us ( which a lot of us call god)

    he is way smarter than we will ever get

    that's what i believe

  10. That is indeed a profound question.  We know what the skeletons of proposed ancestors look like but nobody has actually ever met one.  It must have a beginning but I doubt it is anything that someone could put their finger on.  If you go back 3 million years, there doesn't seem to be anything that would be called human.  There was probably a single lineage among the several hominid lineages that became more and more human.  They probably seemed pretty close to a human 1 million years ago when their brains were quite large and the technology was well beyond any ape.  It is an open question how much more human we became in the last 1 million years.  I suspect it was a very rapid evolution but gradual in the sense that no Earth-shattering changes happened overnight.

  11. Hmmm seriously? Human Race, thought that one about summed it up.

  12. THEY are still looking for the answer to that one.

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