
What is the belief that Kings/Queens rule by authority from God?

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A. Diveine Right? B. Direct Descent? C. Absolutism? or D. Law of the Kingdom?




  1. If they're born king or born on Royal families then it was given to them by the Lord.

    Its even written in the Bible when Christ spoke to Pilate.

  2. divine right of kings: the monarch is above the law and punishable only by god.

  3. A) The Divine Right.

    It's the notion that the King is absolved of committing great evils.  Under the notion that God, who saw what he or she was going to do while in power, allowed that person in because God wanted them in power.

    Nice bit of circular logic eh?

  4. That's called the Divine Right of Kings and was pretty much done away with (in Europe at least) at the end of the Middle Ages.

  5. Basically they just want their subjects to be too afraid of the imaginary Hellfire beneath their feet to challenge their rule by making it a "sin".

  6. A) The Divine Right of Kings is a political and religious doctrine of political absolutism. A general term used for the ideas surrounding the authority and legitimacy of a Monarch, the doctrine broadly holds that a monarch derives his or her right to rule from the will of God, and not from any temporal authority, including the will of his subjects, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm. Chosen by God, a monarch is accountable only to Him, and need answer only before God for his actions. The doctrine implies that the deposition of the king or the restriction of the prerogative power of the crown runs contrary to the will of God.

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