
What is the belt color next to the white belt of these martial arts? Aikido, BJJ, Muay Thai, Boxing, Arnis?

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What is the belt color next to the white belt of these martial arts? Aikido, BJJ, Muay Thai, Boxing, Arnis?

And, what if you don't belong to a certain dojo and just get martial arts lessons from your instructor friend and then you want to get an advancement colored belt because you're already very good when you get into a legit dojo? Do they give you an advancement test right away even if you entered the dojo as a white belt? Like, if your level of expertise of that martial art is of a blackblet since you have been learning from your insturctor friend since you were a kid, would the legit dojo allow you to get a black belt advancement test right away or do you have to pass through the other levels of belts first even when you're already very good?




  1. Not exactly what you are asking  but this may help I found my training more proficient each time I added a few martial arts training. try the martialarm

  2. I am a Filipino martial artist (also Filipino) and the next belt after white is yellow depending on what style,like any martial art.

    Usually back in the day, Filipino martial arts did not have belts. Back then there are no 'Legitimate' dojo's. There were no belt rankings just skill levels. It was only done recently( a decade ago maybe?) to be more modernize and recognized. The only way to be ranked was to test your skill in a match (duel) or if you are challenged by another practitioner (arnisador, eskrimador etc.).

    Also back then (and even now) most Filipino's do not learn from dojo's or schools(regarding your question). They learn from family members or neighbors usually by different styles of filipino martial arts

    (its just not arnis,eskrima or Kali you know).

    This creates a problem for some Filipino martial artist that concern themselves with rankings for they will not have a 'black belt' degree. For me at least in my opinion, there are no need for black belt as long as you are sure about your skills. There is no shame in not have belt ranking. I could go on like my Guro (he would always remind  me that if i want a black belt right away i should just give him $10 and He will buy me one at the store.)

    Don't be concern on how the martial arts community see's you, be concern on how you see yourself and your skills.

    And to answer your question, For a skillful martial artist (to get a black belt)it depends on the school, some make you challenge the black belt ranking and some don't. It also depends if you know the style or not. Even though they have the same style, they may do the rankings differently. Some schools do rankings by the time spent (loyalty) to the schools , so one may not get a belt for a long time.

    Hope i answered a little bit, and not rant to much.


  3. Aikido yellow, BJJ blue, Muay Thai no belts, Boxing no belts, Arnis i dont know

  4. Depends on the style and the dojo.


    My old Matsubayashi Ryu Karate Dojo:

    white, green, brown, black

    A Karate school that shares space with my dojo:

    white, yellow, green, blue, purple, red, brown, black

    My current Aikido Dojo:

    white, black

    Other Aikido schools I've seen:

    white, blue, brown, black

    Other Karate and/or Tae Kwon Do schools I've seen:

    white, yellow, orange, light green, dark green, light blue, dark blue, purple, red, brown, black

    Shaolin Kung Fu dojo I've been to a few times:

    no, red and black sashes.

    The belt does and doesn't mean a whole lot.  There are so many variables to consider such as seniority, dedication, tenacity, skill, the dojo's way of doing things, the style's way of doing things, tradition...

    Sorry to say, but skill isn't the only thing...  I'm out ranked buy people who are not as skilled as I am.  However, they have been their longer and etiquette to an extent dictates I not test until they have passed theirs out of respect.  This sometimes creates a log jam of sorts, but so what - the belt just holds the gi closed.  I don't ask to test, usually, my Sensei's start indicating I should and if I don't start telling me I will test like it or not.  Makes thing alot simpler - I end up focusing on my training rather than my belt.

  5. They all work on a similar system working on an ancient asian idea that colour and rank where linked directly.

    White is follows by White with red stripe or yellow in nearly all martial arts, except maybe more obscure forms.

    To answer your other questions, you will need a 'grading' if you go to a dojo they may be able to organise one for you, but more likely they will tell you when they are next having one and invite you along, no unfortunitly you can't go right to black, even for the black belt you will need an official rep present.

    A little advise; In your grading they will ask for all the 'forms' and stances, its important to learn these for early gradings as its usually on the fundumentals rather than your martial arts skill. My friend got his black belt recently, had to do a long grading, he said it was gruelling enough, so be prepared, for later grading you may need to learn the proper names for the moves and stances, so you should get in a month or two of proper lessons before any high gradings.

    Hope what I've said helped you out in some way.


  6. After passing the prescribed training and examination you will be upgraded to green belt.

  7. karate training can be stiill done and even at home. Try this

  8. Akido: white to yellow

    BJJ: white to blue

    Muay Thai: I don't believe they use belts/there's no standard belts... this may be wrong though, I don't take muay thai.

    Boxing: no belts

    Arnis: white to white with red

    As to being allowed to progess straight to black belt, it's doubtful. Depending on the school they may let you progess faster than a white belt who starts with no knowledge, but you will almost certainly still have to work your way up through all the belts.

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